I will be at EGU this year. Please come and check out our work:
vPICO: Steady-state valley width revealed by alluvial terrace sequences
Monday 26th of April 15:44–15:46:
Stefanie Tofelde, Aaron Bufe, and Jens M. Turowski

Session: Processes and timescales of sediment production, transport, and deposition from source to sink
Tuesday 27th of April 11:00 – 12:30: Session
Convener: Oliver Francis | Co-conveners: Aaron Bufe, Lisa Harrison, Stefanie Tofelde

vPICO: Co-variation of silicate, carbonate, and sulphide weathering drives release of CO2 with erosion
Wednesday 28th of April 09:21–09:23:
Aaron Bufe, Niels Hovius, Robert Emberson, Jeremy K.C. Rugenstein, Albert Galy, Hima J. Hassenruck-Gudipati, and Jui-Ming Chang

vPICO: Erosion rates of the New Zealand Southern Alps reflect long-term tectonics and transient climate
Wednesday 28th of April 09:30–09:32:
Duna Roda-Boluda, Taylor Schildgen, Hella Wittmann-Oelze, Stefanie Tofelde, Aaron Bufe, Jeff Prancevic, and Niels Hovius