I will be presenting our results on the impact of soil and landslide erosion processes on weathering at both Goldschmidt in Boston and the AK Geomorphologt meeting in Gießen.
Bufe, A., Emberson, R., Hovius, N., Caves Rugenstein, J.K., Hassenruck-Gudipati, H. (2018). Impact of soil and landslide erosion processes on coupled sulfide oxidation and carbonate weathering. Goldschmidt. Boston, USA.
Bufe, A., Emberson, R., Hovius, N., Caves Rugenstein, J.K., Hassenruck-Gudipati, H. (2018). The impact of soil and landslide erosion processes on carbonate and silicate weathering in southern Taiwan. Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences. Gießen, Germany.