EGU 2018

I will be at EGU again, and this year, we have a lot going on.

I will be chairing a session:
Chemical weathering, soil formation, and organic carbon mobilization across spatial and temporal scales.

I will present a talk on our work on lateral channel migration rates:
Bufe, A., Turowski, J.M., Burbank, D.W., Paola, C., Wickert, A.D., Tofelde, S. (2018). Controls on lateral channel mobility and the reworked area of active alluvial surfaces. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

I will present a poster on our most recent water chemistry from southern Taiwan:
Bufe, A., Emberson, R., Hovius, N., Caves-Rugenstein, J.K., Hassenruck-Gudipati, H. (2018). Impact of soil and landslide erosion processes on chemical weathering. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

Moreover, Jeff Prancevic will present new grain size data from landslides in New Zealand:
Prancevic, J.P., Roda-Boluda, D., Tofelde, S., Bufe, A., Hemingway, J.D. (2018). Sediment sizes produced by landslides in a threshold landscape. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.