New Paper: Uplift rate changes in the Tian Shan foreland

I am excited to announce that our paper on variations in uplift rates across folds and faults in the Tian Shan foreland was accepted in Geophysical Research Letters . We use a combination of satellite images and geologic data to track how deformation rates on structures in this very actively deforming part of the world have changed through time. Have a look, and let me know what you think!

Bufe, A., Bekaert, D.P.S., Hussain, E., Bookhagen, B., Burbank, D.W., Thomspon Jobe, J.A., Chen, J., Li, T., Liu, L., Gan, W. (2017) Temporal changes in rock-uplift rates of folds in the foreland of the Tian Shan from geodetic and geologic data. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(21), 10977-10987. Journal link and Web version

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