EGU 2017

I will be at EGU this year. Please come and see our presentations:

I will present a talk:
Bufe, A., Burbank, D.W., Liu, L., Chen, J., Paola, C., Bookhagen, B., Thompson Jobe, J. (2017). Variations in lateral erosion rates control fluvial planation and strath terrace formation on uplifting folds: Evidence from both the field and sandbox models. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

and a poster:
Bufe A., Pederson J., Tuzlack D. (2017). Geomorphic evidence for Quaternary tectonics on the southern flank of the Yellowstone hotspots from terraces and stream profiles along the Hoback and Snake River. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

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